Computer woes have kept me cyber-silent for weeks. My screen is doing a flashy thing ( like a strobe) that is making it almost impossible to use. Collin, the computer wizard, is coming to have a look at it tomorrow, so, hopefully things will get better soon!
In the meantime I can now log on with Fire Fox and Explorer. So far, it hasn't made much difference except late at night when apparently I can type at least this much with out the strobe effect kicking in.
I have to tell you about Oscar and the great flea invasion. My good friend Lisa was on her way to my house one evening when she saw a dog limping along "the new highway", a big four-lane replacement for the little two-lane state road that we live on. She pulled over and was able to get him in her car. His collar had just "fallen off of him". (It had been unhooked and was caught in his fur for a while then fall off just as Lisa pulled over.) The collar had tags. Lisa scooped up the tired thirsty scared dog and pulled in my driveway.
A little detective work, a few twilight zone-ish phone calls and a really odd home visit resulted in the discovery that Oscar was in a really, really bad home and needed a place to settle. He had been dumped from a truck when Lisa came upon him. So, ( you just know what I am going to say - right?) he came here to be fostered for adoption.
Oscar had fleas. Millions of fleas. Fleas on his fleas. He got a flea bath, was neutered, waited a day and then Frontlined. By now, all the dogs in the house have a flea or two, so they all got Frontlined as well.) Then, Oscar got a home! YAY!!! Then, he came back because: HE STILL HAD FLEAS.
Hmmmm. Oscar got Capstar. The fleas died, but eggs were still there. Oscar got Frontlined (again). Every rug in the house got washed. All the bedding, (people and dog) got washed. Diatomaceous Earth was purchased and worked into mattresses, couches, chairs, the one nice unwashable wool rug, any cracks in the wooden floors, under baseboards. Well, you get the picture.
And, finally, Oscar is finally flea free. His adopters won't be taking him back, but that's OK. Oscar is a really easy going guy. He is completely housebroken and gets on well with kids, cats and other dogs. He loves to snuggle and is learning how to play with toys. Oscar loves to play with Moses and the big dogs. Most of the day my big black dogs are running and tumbling all over "the middle field". Thanks for coming along and helping to wear out the big boys, Oscar. You can stay as long as you need to.